

paolo banfi

paolo banfi

Software Architect

Paolo is one of our Software Architects. He is an accomplished Software Engineer, specialized in Object Oriented Design and Analysis. Experienced software craftsman, Agile practices, Test-driven Development & XP engineering practices, SOLID principles, Domain-Driven Design and event-storming technique. He has also a vast teaching Experience with multiple private courses on TDD, SOLID principles, clean code and microdesign.

Post published (1)

Event Sourcing - A Light Introduction

Event Sourcing - A Light Introduction

paolo banfi

Event Sourcing is not one of the most well known pattern in software engineering, but it has a lot of potential uses and areas of application. In this blog post I'd like to explain what is event sourcing, why it matters and why it naturally fits CQRS architectural pattern so nicely, together with an explanation of the various building blocks used. [...]