

tdd (3)

How living documentation and user stories acceptance tests can bring project documentation benefits?

thiago nascimento figueiredo

In the software development community, it is a known fact that keeping documentation up to date according to the project requirements is something that needs team discipline. In different scenarios, it is possible to take advantage of a TDD/BDD approach and CI/CD pipeline artifacts to reach the goal of keeping software documentation according to the project deliverables.

Blockchain Dapp and Modern Software Engineering

fabio fiorella

Block'n'poll a complete example of a full stack web application interacting with Algorand Blockchain

Using Gradle Kotlin DSL with junit 5

juan ara

Gradle 5 has been out for a while now and with that we finally got the ability to write our Gradle scripts in Kotlin. How can I migrate my JUnit-enabled Gradle scripts to Kotlin Gradle DSL?