

java (13)

A Monorepo Experiment: reuniting a JVM-based codebase

luigi noto

Continuing the Monorepo exploration series, we’ll see in action a real-life example of a monorepo for JVM-based languages, implemented with Maven, that runs in continuous integration. The experiment of reuniting a codebase of ~700K lines of code from many projects and shared libraries, into a single repository.

Exploring the Monorepo

luigi noto

Monorepo has become quite popular in Javascript world, and yet not fully explored for JVM-based development. The lack of tools and practical examples slow down its adoption in everyday software projects. In this series of articles, we’ll try to uncover the full potential of a monorepo with Java and Maven.

A custom module for Jackson object mapper using Java Service Provider

fabrizio duroni
alex stabile

Sometimes you have custom Jackson object mapper imported from external modules/libraries. How can you customize their serialization/deserialization? Let's go to discover the power of Java Service Provider Interface.

Blockchain Dapp and Modern Software Engineering

fabio fiorella

Block'n'poll a complete example of a full stack web application interacting with Algorand Blockchain

Frontend and backend languages and frameworks

christian speer
giancarlo di paolantonio

In this third blog post of the series about our Tech ecosystem we look at the technologies that we adopted in the frontend and backend space, and explore the reasons behind our choices.

The power of functional interfaces in test

manuel mandatori

How to use functional interfaces to mock behaviours in tests without implementing classes

Unit testing in Kotlin with JUnit 5 and MockK

fabrizio duroni

I recently discovered MockK, a mocking library created for Kotlin. Let's see how it is possible to write modern unit tests with MockK + JUnit 5.

Checked vs unchecked exception (with FP glasses)

angelo sciarra

The dark side of Unchecked Exceptions

How to: enable Hermes JavaScript engine in your React Native app

fabrizio duroni
francesco bonfadelli
marco de lucchi

React native 0.60.4 has a new cool feature for Android: a new JavaScript engine called Hermes. Let's see how you can turn it on in your React Native application to get all its benefits.

Refactor your data class and you'll sleep like a baby


How to refactor code coupled with a data class?

Refactoring: a real case of a nested if structure transformed into a chain of responsibility

francesco bonfadelli

It seemed a normal day of work when one of our managers called a meeting to inform us of a very urgent feature that should be put in production within 2 days.

React Native + Typescript, love at first sight. Setup in an existing app.

fabrizio duroni

You can run your React Native integration with Typescript in a couple of minutes in an existing app. Just read our example.

Android Studio vs Xcode vs AppCode: a brief comparison about coding speed

fabrizio duroni
francesco bonfadelli
tommaso resti

Being able to write code faster is a non-plus-ultra in every kind of software development. We made a comparison, take a look at our results.