
Technology Tech Blog

We are the European Travel Tech leaders in Dynamic Holiday Packages.
We leverage our Technology to simplify, personalise, and enhance customers’ travel experience.

Introducing Android widgets in our React Native application

Introducing Android widgets in our React Native application

alejandro weichandt

Learn how to setup a react native project to enable Android native widgets [...]

How living documentation and user stories acceptance tests can bring project documentation benefits?

How living documentation and user stories acceptance tests can bring project documentation benefits?

thiago nascimento figueiredo

In the software development community, it is a known fact that keeping documentation up to date according to the project requirements is something that needs team discipline. In different scenarios, it is possible to take advantage of a TDD/BDD approach and CI/CD pipeline artifacts to reach the goal of keeping software documentation according to the project deliverables. [...]

How to be more in control of my product?

How to be more in control of my product?

luca mor

AKA: how try not to ruin the day of customers! [...]

Sharing data between a React Native App and a native iOS Widget

Sharing data between a React Native App and a native iOS Widget

fabrizio duroni
marco de lucchi

Learn how to display real-time information on an iOS Widget by leveraging data from a React Native app. [...]

Evolution of a high-performance system: from synchronous to seamless scalability

Evolution of a high-performance system: from synchronous to seamless scalability

giuseppe pinto

This article discusses the transformation of a synchronous process in the context of's customer journey for travel planning. The existing system was complex and resource-intensive due to its all-in-one nature, causing scaling and deployment challenges. The article presents the evolved system that separates responsibilities into microservices using message-driven communication. [...]

Lambda Integration with MSK and KrakenD

Lambda Integration with MSK and KrakenD

otto abreu

API Gateways can be a simple way to expose asynchronous communication without revealing too many details about it but, is not always an easy task to implement. In this post, I explore a way to expose Kafka topics in a well-known API Gateway (KrakenD) while circumventing multiple limitations. [...]

Post Mortem: the Destruction of the Pink Star

Post Mortem: the Destruction of the Pink Star

michele gasperi
giulia luppi

Have you ever wondered if ITSM processes existed in the Pink Wars universe? We did, and we imagined the Post Mortem after the destruction of the Pink Star. [...]